Windows 10

End of Support October 2025

Microsoft has confirmed that support for Windows 10 will end on October 14, 2025.

This date may seem far in the future, but migration to Windows 11 will require planning in advance so that we can take our client’s individual requirements into consideration.

Our team at Ozdoc strives to ensure this process will be smooth to each and every client.

For that reason, please continue reading to understand the importance of having these discussions early on with your Ozdoc Account Manager.

What does end of support mean?

• The current version of Windows 10 is the final version.

• Your operating system will continue to work, but Microsoft will no longer provide any updates for the operating system, including security patches.

• Microsoft 365 apps, Office 2016 & 2019 will also not be supported on Windows 10.

What are the risks associated with using Windows 10 after the end of support date?

• Increased vulnerability to cyberattacks. Cybercriminals often target outdated systems that lack the latest security patches and defences.

• Compatibility issues. New software and hardware may not be compatible with Windows 10 and cause system crashes, disruptions, and other problems.

• Compliance issues that can lead to potential violation of legal requirements to maintain up-to-date systems to, for instance, protect sensitive information.

• Increased costs related to supporting systems that are incompatible with Windows 10.

You can find the original announcement from Microsoft here. Our clients are encouraged to review how many Windows 10 machines are currently in use in their organisation. All the relevant data can be found in your Ozdoc client portal or please let us know and your account manager can assist you in this process.

Let’s talk!

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